Sunlight carving through heavy canopy ....

perfect horizon lines blurred by speed ...

manmade wonders with satisfying symmetry ...

and ... this.

I am so pissed that trespassing laws prevented me from capturing this at closer range. Five minutes from the Woodside, in the toniest, property-taxes-the-size-of-my-salary neighborhood, stands this scarecrow. A sentinel in the middle of an enviable garden. Stalwartly facing the perfectly trimmed grass and the properly maintained, family-friendly sidewalks. Dressed in a kicky hat, and someone's softened-by-wear flannels and denims. Holding a rifle.
This is the angriest bird spooker you have ever seen. From my on-the-way-back-to-work surveillance, I noted he has furiously drawn eyebrows and appears to be wearing an unusual amount of blush.
It's mostly funny, I guess, from a living-in-Alabama-can-make-you-lose-your-precious-mind standpoint, but it's also more than a little terrifying. Regardless of your race, gender, socioeconomic status, or sexual preference, I think we the people can agree that it is disconcerting to have someone POINT A GUN AT YOU.
Even if that person has produce to protect.
at: 3:32 PM said...
Aww where is your zoom lense?? I want to see his face.
That's creepy!
at: 3:43 PM said...
drive by sometime; he's just down the street from mom! ;-)
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