*It's a baby, not a trophy. Nor is it made of fire there, Cin. You can stop holding it like it's going to wrinkle your dress. But again, I repeat: Put. The Baby. Away. Jackass.
I am a work in progress. I perpetually need a hair cut. I'm totally devoted to my remarkable nieces and nephew. I am an elementary home cook and a magazine worker bee. (Please criticize my syntax and spelling in the comments.) I think my dog is hilarious. I like chicken and spicy things. I have difficulty being a grown-up. Left to my own devices, I will eat enormous amounts of cheese snacks of all kinds.
at: 3:40 PM said...
at: 3:48 PM said...
What are the other two things?
at: 3:33 PM said...
anonymous: global warming and gas prices.
oh, you don't buy that? well, i have to retain some mystery. and this, too, shall pass.
at: 3:34 PM said...
anonymous #1: man, this is getting confusing. LEAVE YOUR NAMES!
sorry for the yelling.
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