Bachelorette breakfast ...

pregnant-lady breakfast. I'm glad no one is inhabiting my uterus. Potential tenants would be pretty disappointed in the food.

I mean, seriously. The light! That's dressing for Mother's Day potato salad. Thanks, Ina.

Deviled eggs for Mother's Day. Deviled eggs are the devil's handiwork. I think I'm swearing off them forever. They're a pain in the ass, and one of them had a baby chicken in it. I can still feel the tiny beak beneath my thumb, and it still brings up the bile.
I messed with this image too much, too. It's too warm. The color is much better when I just let the morning light do the work and take my lead foot off the Photoshop.

Peeples, I am aware that I haven't given this forum the attention it needs of late. I've had one wheel off the track, but I have a sneaky plan meant to light a fire under my lazy behind.
So (assuming anyone even loiters about here anymore), you're either going to get more! fascinating! ramblings! or I'm going to have a charred ass. It's win-win.
at: 1:44 PM said...
YEAAAAH! My favorite blogger is back. And oh my GOD those deviled eggs look good.
I know they taste good too since I've sampled your handiwork with deviled eggs before.
The beak bit sort of ruined the ooh and aah though . . . :/ ick!
at: 4:43 PM said...
I have a great idea. You can help me and cook food for Tavi's graduation party. Then you'd have a great blog!!
at: 6:16 PM said...
Oh. My. God. Seriously? A BEAK?! I don't think I'd EVER crack open another egg again. Good thing JC is good at it.
Is that something that happens often?! Or was that totally just a freak thing?!
Eww.....I have the heebie jeebies now.
Pretty deviled eggs though!
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