I didn't cook anything tonight, because I let some e. coli peddlers down the street do the cooking for me. Instead, I offer you some of the coolest things I've found in food lately.
This puts Julie and Julia to shame. Much of that has to do with Thomas Keller, who is a genius in his own right, but somehow managed to win my heart with something astonishingly simple.
What could be cuter than these? Everything is better as a gaggle.
There's nothing more lovely than this. Please, Tooth Fairy, bring me one in every color! Preferably in Dune.
Not to pull my ever-so-meaningful readers away, but this may be the most beautiful blog I've ever seen.
But above all, this is the most amazing work of art I have ever seen. It's mind-boggling.

D. Seah
WAIT. Click here.
Shame. I feel shame.
at: 12:30 PM said...
Ewww... I can't believe you made me look at SWEETBREADS. And I was eating my lunch.. You should have given us a little hint about the cake. If I didn't know you so well, I would have thought, "Oh, nice cake." Instead I thought, "That's odd. I've never known her to care much about cakes." That was crazy!
Thank you for exposing me to things I would otherwise know nothing about....well except maybe the sweetbreads..
at: 9:39 AM said...
gag--that's shocking in a stomach-turning kind of--maybe I should join you and become a vegetarian . . . ick!
at: 3:36 PM said...
people are SO angry about that cake. hee!
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